
Built a Pharmacy Management System for US based start up. The Pharmacy Management System was expected to show BI reports for the purpose of Direct Indirect Fee Management.

Customer was able to get detailed analysis of data for different periods of time as well as predict future stock requirements from consumption data.

Technologies Used:

SpringBoot, Java, Hibernate, MySQL, Docker, AWS, AngularJS, HTML5, Jasper Reports

Product Development for B2C Company


This project involved building a cloud-native B2B marketplace application which helped to establish trade and communication between consumers and providers. The Kumowiz  team designed and developed the complete MVP based on Amazon Web Services Cloud using the following:

Startup was able to experiment their product idea on AWS cloud and get investors interested for further business development.

Technologies Used:

SpringBoot, Java, OAuth2, Mongodb, Docker, Kubernetes.



How cool would it be if your oven sent you a message and told you "Hey! I am overheated!".

One of our customers wanted to ensure their process infrastructure is available 24x7. To ensure their support team, we integrated chat-ops tool with their application to receive instant notifications about the health of the system which were remotely placed. By doing this, we not only avoided mishaps but also made the communication between machines and humans more effective.

Technologies Used:

C#, .Net, Slack